András Cséfalvay

works words music

Cséfalvay Cséfalvay Cséfalvay
Cosmogony 1: self-similarity of models
“As narrator, Csefalvay evokes a personified Higgs Bosun Field, a field of energy that is thought to exist in every region of the universe. And the Cosmic Jellyfish as the foundational element of existence, as the primary mover, as the shape of all things, as the first form out of which all has been created, and made in its image. The two-channel video literally emits its message from a model of a deep space satellite dish on a background of passing time, somewhere in the galaxy’s outer reaches. The narrator’s story is followed by a conversation between the creator and their creation." Jen Kratochvil The birth of the world from the point of view of creatures that call themselves humans, but are a form of evolved jellyfish. The work explores the correlation of body shape and world models. The conformal cyclic universe of Roger Penroses is brought into context with the creation myth, and a creature made of almost entirely water, imagines a world model, that resembles itself a large jellyfish. Its head the birth of the universe, its arms - time. The work explores the relationship of the exploring mind, the utilized instruments and the forthcoming world model.


installation plan